our mission

  • Strengthen relations between members of the Moroccan Community in Greater Houston and elsewhere.
  • Understand our community needs and offer community support and effective help.
  • Coordinate social, cultural, and sport activities to promote our community’s cultural heritage.
  • Communicate our community news, views, and positions on local and Moroccan issues.
  • Enhance mutual understanding between our community and other communities.
  • Share Moroccan culture, traditions and values with friends of Morocco.
  • Succeed in building a strong Moroccan Community.

Our board members

Current Officers/ Trustees

Bouchra Bennis

Najib ElKhayari

Youssef Sedra

Previous Officers/ Trustees

Abdelilah Elkhadiri

Mohammed Boughaba

Younes Belaiter 

Tachfine Zelmat 

Sofia Basraoui 

Rabab Rmaini

Simo Jaaldi

Houria Bellatif 

Amine Jekki

Nabil Rhiati

Moumen Dinari

Khalid Tahssain

Manal Belmamoun

Zakia Belmoukaddem

Seymour Ajdiou

Latif Adnane

Said Benmansour

Younes Amjoun

Khalid Anibou

Moufid Maatallah